Friday, December 28, 2007
Saying by J Paul Getty
Efforts : I'd rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
Money : Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Stress Free Living – The Long Road Home
Stress Free Living – The Long Road Home!
If there is one shared human experience that has become a global industry during the last twenty years it is ‘stress management’. Very few people seem to have noticed however, that stress management is an ‘oxymoron’. When you are stressed you are not managing anything the stress is managing you. Stress management, as we shall see, is really just self management.
It’s fairly safe to say that almost everyone gets stressed every day. Here is why. A definition of stress might sound like this. “Stress is a form of pain or discomfort that comes to tell you there is something you need to change”. And that means there is something you need to learn. No learning equals no change. Unfortunately many of us ‘learned’ to believe that our learning ended when we left school, but it didn’t, it started. School is largely an exercise in memorisation and memorisation isn’t learning. The real school is of course life itself, and every relationship is a workshop!
So lets play with our definition of stress for a moment and see where it takes us. You are sitting in your chair and your body sends you a message that it is uncomfortable. What do you do? You change your position. You don’t turn to the chair and say, “You rotten nasty chair, you are making me feel so uncomfortable”. (although some people do!) You put your hand in the fire and what do you feel, pleasure or pain? What do you do? You learn to never do it again. You change your behaviour instantly. The next level is emotion. You get angry. Pleasure or pain? (I hope you said pain otherwise you can now delete this article!) What do we learn? Absolutely nothing! We either shoot the messenger or ignore the messenger (or ask the messenger is there is some more message!) Reason? Most of us carry three beliefs that stop us hearing the message and making the necessary changes. Belief one – anger is good, it’s OK, don’t keep it in, let it out, it’s good to let others know how you feel, it may even make things better, make ‘others’ change. Belief two – its not me that’s making me angry, it’s them, therefore I have no control over my emotions. Belief three is more like an addiction, “I need to get angry, it helps me feel alive”. In which case this person will be frequently, if not constantly, go looking for an argument a fight, albeit a verbal one, so they have a good reason to get angry. They are addicted to the emotion and perhaps also to the chemicals that are created in the body i.e. adrenaline and cortisol, both of which, as ‘the science’ now tells us, will eventually kill our bodies if daily production continues.
The key belief however that keeps most of us stuck in our stress cycles of thought, emotion, action and outcome is the belief that generally runs the world today i.e. “Its not ME it’s THEM! It’s not me that makes me feel this way, it’s them that makes me feel this way”. Actually, no it’s not. It’s not them, it’s me! In other words it is not the event, the other person, the deadline, the environment, the state of world etc that ‘causes’ your stress, it is how you respond to them. And your response is entirely 100% your responsibility. That means the components of your response i.e. your thoughts, emotions, words and actions, are entirely 100% your creation.
Some people hate this idea and say, “But it’s natural to get upset and angry, its natural to feel frightened and edgy, its natural to feel sad and depressed”. Thereby either clinging on to their ‘stress’, or subconsciously attempting to avoid the work of changing what are probably habits of a lifetime. Others love this idea and embrace its insight as it means they can do something about their stress. It means they can liberate themselves from the suffering that all stress is. They see a new and deeper freedom up ahead.
The most common form of stress is when others or the world doesn’t do what we want, or does what we do not want. The frustration and anger that we then create and feel in response can be traced back to a belief that we learn from parents and teachers, that the world should dance to our tune, or the belief that we can control what we cannot control i.e. other people and events. Most of us are ‘carriers’ of this belief, which has become like a permanent subconscious ‘infection’. It then shapes our perception of events and people as negative when they do not do what we want. And that gives rise to negative thoughts. And the simplest definition of stress for a human being is simply ‘negative thinking’. That then triggers the emotions that we feel, and the attitude and behaviour follows accordingly.
Before anything can change for the better, before we can begin our journey to liberation from stress/suffering we have to drop the belief it’s them not me, and realise the truth that it’s me not them…. in absolutely every situation… without exception. Then comes the necessary work of changing the belief that you can control others and events which has to be replaced with the realisation of the truth that the one and only thing you can control in life is your self. Only then can you stop creating the frustration, which is anger, when others don’t do what you want. Only then will you be able to move out of a state of resistance into a mode of acceptance. That’s the moment when you stop trying to control what you can never control anyway. A moment that could be called kind of enlightenment! And you are then able to accept people in particular as you find them, and life in general as you find it. And as many enlightened parents and managers will tell you that’s is when you have maximum influence (not control). And what is one of life’s successes based upon? How well you learn to influence those around you. Try to control others and, in the long run, you lose your influence.
Feelings of stress, which are always emotions (that we feel) always have their roots in our beliefs. Some beliefs are obviously deeper and more powerful than others. For example if you believe the world is a dark and dangerous place (easy to assimilate if you read too many newspapers) you will perceive events and people as threatening so you will think negatively about events and therefore feel negative (fear and anger). If, on the other hand, you believe the world is an adventure playground you will perceive (interpret) all circumstances as an opportunity to play. Your thoughts and feelings will always be positive and uplifting not down heartening. If you believe the other person is stupid then you will likely create negative thoughts and feelings about them, which means around them ‘within’ your consciousness. You will then the one who feels continuously negative i.e. stressed in your relationship with that person. And so if you want to free yourself from stress then free yourself from your stressful beliefs.
This of course is a little easier said than done because most of our beliefs are outside of our day-to-day and moment-to-moment awareness. We need to surface these beliefs into our conscious awareness so that we can see what exactly we need to change. Hence the practical benefit we can gain from some form of contemplation or meditation. During such quiet moments we lower the line between our conscious and subconscious slightly, and up pops the belief that we forgot we believed, and have never therefore challenged. And when we see what are obviously stress creating beliefs we can then change them.
This process is sometimes referred to as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It’s useful, and it does work, as many more people are beginning to use it to change their self-created ‘stress experience’. But it is the long road home because there are so many beliefs within our learned and personal belief system. There is a quicker way. It is the ‘spiritual’ way. So next week we will explore and describe the essence of the ‘short road’ home.
Question: What current situation/relationship in your life today is triggering (not causing) your stress?
Reflection: Take a few moments and see if you can become aware of the beliefs you have created and are holding around the situation/person that are giving rise to your stress i.e. your negative thoughts and feelings.
Action: Action begins with changing your beliefs and perceptions about the situation/person. Write down the new stress free beliefs/perception. Then take a moment to visualise your new behaviour the next time you encounter that situation/person.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Interesting Saying
- Herb Cohen
The mark of a good conversationalist ? Pay attention to what people say !
- Larry King
To be a more effective staff, I need to ...Let go ..Embrace !
Change is a an attitude of the mind and the place to start is within ourselves.
- John Harvey
Once you've accepted yourself, it's so much easier to accept other people & their points of view.
- Zig Ziglar
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
About Education
Learn to share with your friends things you know.....and things you don't. You Will learn faster this way.
When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and stop asking questions, then it is time to die.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
According to the seed that is sown, so is the fruit ye reap therefrom. The doer of good will gather good, the doer of evil, evil reaps.
Sown is the seed and planted well; Thous shalt enjoy the fruit thereof.
- Samyutta Nikaya I:227
Kamma in Pali or Karma in the Sanskrit language refers to an intentional action; a force that is generated thru' thoughts, speech and bodily actions, and is constantly moulding our lives.
The understanding of the LAW OF KARMA constitute an important aspect of wisdom. It enables us to develop patience, tolerance and understanding when confronted with obstacles and challenges in our daily lives. It instills in us a sense of responsibility, self-reliance and confidence, providing us with a proper sense of purpose and direction in life.
My view on Karma is that not everyone believes in the the Law of Karma. Those people who do not believe in the Law of Karma are mostly freethinker. It is like the Law of Giving and Receiving, it is hard to prove to people who do not believe in it.
Monday, October 29, 2007
TRY 100PLUS and Water - Not Pain Killer
FYI... One real story ....
My husband was working in a hospital as an IT engineer, as the hospital is planning to set up a database of its patient. And he knows some of the doctors quite well.
The doctors used to tell him that whenever they have a headache, they are not willing to take pain killer (PARACETMOL) . In fact,they will turn to Chinese Herbal Medicine or find other alternatives.
This is because Pain Killer is toxic to the body, and it harms the liver. According to the doctor, it will reside in the body for at least 5 years. And according to the doctor, there used to be an incident where an air stewardess consumes a lot of pain killer during her menstrual as she needs to stand all the time. She's now in her early 30's, and she needs to wash her kidney (DIALYSIS) every month. As said by the doctor that whenever we have a headache, that's because it is due to the electron/Ion imbalance in the brain. As an alternative solution to cope with this matter, they
suggested that we buy 1 or 2 cans of isotonic drink ( eg.100PLUS ), and mix it with drinking water according to a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (simply, it means one cup 100plus, one cup water.or 2 cups water).
Me and my husband have tried this on several occasions, and it seems to work well.
Another method will be to submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it bring the blood pressure down from your throbbing head. As it is a pain killer, the more you take, the lesser would be your threshold for pain (your endurance level for pain). We all will fall ill as we aged, for woman, we would need to go through childbirth. Imagine that we had spent our entire life popping quite a substantial amount of Pain Killer when you need to have a surgery or operation, you will need a much more amount of general anesthetic to numb your surgical pain than the average person who seldom or rarely takes Pain Killer. If you have a very high intake of Pain Killer throughout your life (Migraine, Menstrual cramps) it is very likely that normal general anesthetic will have no effects on you as your body is pumped full with it and your body is so used to pain killer that you would need a much stronger pain killer, Morphine? Value your life, THINK b4 you easily pop that familiar pill into your mouth again. Please send this to people you care about.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Personal Skills
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
About Change
"We must change to master change."
- Lyndon B. Johnson
I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better."
- G. C. Lichtenberg
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Have You Brought Joy To Your Family Today ?
Below two statements are from a book simply describes the kind of life people are living & why:
"Your thoughts & your feelings create your life, it will always be that way, Guarantee!"
"You will not have ill thoughts if you have good feelings"
Happiness is not all about money, though I do agree that we need money to survive.
It is the INNER PEACE you possess that will make you feel complete. And this inner peace will be radiated and some people can feel it too. It is important, however, to cultivate the following virtues:
Many people miss these elements in their life. Many still don't realize that they are "slave to money", chasing money all their life.
Do spend some time to think through what you have missed in life, it is never too late to start finding real happiness, but don't live to regret.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Teacher Syndrome
Syndrome means number of symptoms which collectively indicate an often abnormal condition of the body or mind; particular combination of a person's actions, opinions, etc that can be expected to occur together.
You have probably seen people who have Down syndrome. They have certain physical features, such as a flatter face, upward slanting eyes, and a somewhat larger tongue. They may have medical problems, too, such as heart defects. And they usually have some mental retardation, which means they may have trouble learning. But despite their challenges, kids with Down syndrome can go to regular schools, make friends, enjoy life, and get jobs when they're older.
I heard there is also Teacher syndrome. Why and how come ? Teachers who have been teaching most of their life have always been telling or teaching students to do this or do that. After one year or a few years, the same student leaves school and new students come. When they retire, a lot of these teachers can become quite lonely. Their friends may not accept them because they have this thing called Teacher syndrome. They will like to teach even their friends or family members like they teach their students.
So people who are specialise in their own area may end up having their own syndrome depending on what they are doing most of their life.
Do you have any syndrome ? Something for you to time about. Can I prevent it ?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Generosity of Spirit
Generosity of Spirit
Where do you stand on the polarity of generosity vs.stinginess???
Fear of scarcity makes us stingy. So we scrimp through life, not only pinching pennies but also weighing how much love, enjoyment, reward, free time, pleasure, relaxation, personal space and attention to give ourselves, as if these were extras in life and not the main meal. We believe: "I couldn't possibly give that to myself-or I'd have to really earn it by depriving myself in other ways."
Must our self-generosity be balanced by deprivation? We're so afraid of getting carried away. Strictness with ourselves, which also affects others, reflects fear of losing control of our wants/hungers. Convinced that generosity is dangerous, we dole out life in a measured fashion that eventually becomes iron fisted. We assume that generosity might drain our resources. Actually, it's enlivening.
A lifetime of stinginess shrinks our world, tightens the heart and fills the belly with fear-limiting all possibilities.
The generous YES that is our Divinity hardens into a constipated cement block in the soul as Source's bounty atrophies into crumbs.
Spirit is generous. There's no end to growth opportunities- the chance to start over again and again-to regenerate - to profoundly open up and overflow with love -- to fill with a passion to serve others - to learn to treasure ourselves with a commitment to have everything that life has to offer. Spirit is infinite. It demonstrates that Source is Generosity in Action and Being.
How did the human race become so stingy? Stinginess is learned, based on fear of not-enoughness. We assume that life is made of sacrifices that purify us enough to be worthy of our Source-as if there's something fundamentally wrong with us that needs to be absolved by withholding from ourselves.
Generosity is natural to our spirit and consequently can't be repressed. It will simply leak out, but in unhealthy ways that spoil us and starve the soul. Natural generosity becomes convoluted.
Ironically, the best way that we can measure appropriate giving to ourselves and others is to accept our innate generosity and allow spirit, in its infinite wisdom, to open the throttle of Divine Flow that guide us to become Vessels of Outpouring.
Could you spare it? We try to talk people down rather than meet their price (financially, emotionally, mentally) much less leave a big tip. Stinginess is contagious. When others are stingy with us, we match them. Then everyone is cheap. We become shabby representatives of spirit and pull in the reins-not letting ourselves be the "bigger" person. Not wanting to be taken advantage of, if others don't appreciate our generosity we contract into ungiving. But generosity can't hurt us when it flows from our spirit. It only expands our being.
Stinginess crimps energy, narrows experience, shrinks vision, blocks potential and closes the doors of life. Spirit is boundless. So why curb ourselves? We haven't begun to tap its limitlessness. The magnitude of possibility peaks in to get our attention when we least expect it. Our first response is to shrink it--constraining the generosity of optimism, excitement, positivity.
Sometimes we're generous with ourselves in pointless or unhealthy ways but are stingy with our soul. Acquiring too many clothes or eating extra desserts is only surface generosity and doesn't take the place of leaving a repressive job or marriage, taking risks to follow a vision, allocating precious time for creativity.
Then on our death bed we lament about the lack of generosity toward ourselves. After all, we can't take it with us-not just money-but time well spent, people well loved, self well expressed, a life lived in the spirit of Source's exuberant bounty.
I expect to be given what is owed me, but nothing more, and am often startled to receive generosity from others. I forget to think outside the box of our economic orientation which blinds me to the huge ocean of "extra" available to everyone. What would it be like to represent our Divinity by living in the Zone of Extra?
Generous people must be more advanced than the rest of us scrooges! To be around them makes me feel bathed in bounty and reassured that there is nothing wrong with my needs/desires.
Fearlessly openhanded, they aren't afraid to fully give because they know there's a lot more where that came from. They tap into and unsparingly share the true nature of spirit. They don't hesitate to show how much love they feel and flood recognition for all gifts received from loved ones. They're affectionate- not stingy with touch. They gush gobs of enthusiasm and encouragement to embolden others to take risks. They don't pop bubbles. They shower people with attention-sincere interest. They leave big tips, delighted to give back to all who serve them. They think big because to be magnanimous is to embody magnitude.
An open heart is the wellspring of all generosity. If Source was as miserly with us as we are with ourselves, our world would be barren. There would be only meager scraps of opportunity to evolve, not enough time to progress, no turning points, no serendipity, grace, inspiration, insight, guidance or support-absolutely no way to manifest our dreams.
Generosity of spirit keeps the heart soft and healthy and buoyantly elevates us as we throw away our tit-for-tat measuring tools and become giving fools-wildly bestowing unstinted plenty to ourselves and others. We remember that Source spoils. It's creation with Divine Indulgence-a crowning generosity that parts the seas.
When in channel I bathe in the profound generosity of the Tibetan. His exquisite spirit never measures love but rather just lets it cascade, glowing like liquid gold. He teaches:Humankind is challenged to respond to every situation with uncommon love-to go the extra mile in their outpouring. Unqualified generosity to self fosters a new life that demonstrates there's always enough-never scarcity, diminishment or negation on any level. Then, fully honored, self is never invisible or placed second.
But humankind is not used to generosity. Students have experienced countless lifetimes of austerity, learned to do without, to not dare ask for too much and to expect minimal benevolence. But, Source never decreed this constriction. The earth plane was created to demonstrate Generosity of Spirit in form-so physically magnificent and abundant in its profound beauty that humanity, awed by this lavish gift, would automatically embody generosity.
Attachment to the illusion of separation neutralizes generosity and fosters the belief that Source is narrow hearted. Therefore, humankind perceives no greater model for generosity.
Stinginess with self attracts selfish people and fuels fears of not-enoughness. This illusion causes people to only give so much, squirreling away their own private supply of energy. Then generosity from others is threatening because it implies that more will be asked of self. It's painful to hoard one's soul.
Lack of generosity with self makes it impossible to be ungrudging toward others. To give to others while being tightfisted with self is only a martyrdom that retards the soul's growth -- just as giving from a sense of obligation is not true generosity. The soul evolves from full communion with Source's 100% attitude of altruism. Rather than be generous in only a few ways, embody an overflowing great heartedness in ALL ways, always starting with self.
Give in spades-offering oceans of helpful thoughts, feelings and energy. Don't worry about giving too much to self or others. Many struggle with the false belief, "It's spiritually correct to be humble and only take a little piece of life for myself.
I don't dare give myself everything-It' s too much-I don't deserve it." This measured allotment modulates the flow of energy in the chakras into a controlled format that the ego assumes is just enough. The chakras constrict. Reception is blocked and the soul starves.
Indulge in generosity to the point of intoxication. Mirror Source's mighty giving. Dare to give that extra piece. Self-generosity insures a bountiful flow to others, free from embarrassment. The emerging consciousness is a generous expression of Source's love-a natural state of delight, bounty and profuseness. Get used to being showered with gifts from all beings.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tips for Healthy Living
1. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables containing various vitamins and minerals.
2. Increase the consumption of high fibre foods such as wholemeal bread and cereals.
3. Quit smoking if you do smoke.
4. Maintain an ideal body weight.
5. Exercise regularly, at least 3 times per week.
6. Undergo a routine medical screening once a year.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The Wooden Bowl (touching story)
I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now.
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. 'We must do something about father,' said the son. 'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.' So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl! When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
How about you ?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Daily Ritual of Champions
1. Count your blessings and be thankful for what you have
2. Live your life as a Champion
3. Enjoy the adventure of life and help others enjoy theirs
This lesson wil explain those steps.
by Ron Kurtus (revised 31 May 2003)
Monday, August 13, 2007
About Friends
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I Found A Handphone
We rushed for our Qi Gong lesson immediately. After the lesson, I tried to call him but no one answer the phone. It is an old Nokia handphone subscribe to Singtel. On the screen, I can also see there is an outstanding payment of $167 and some IDD call outstanding payment. One of our Qi Gong friend live at Teck Whye area, I give her a lift back. On the way to Teck Whye, we tried to call him again and managed to get him. So I asked him where his location. With his broken English, he told me he is at the McDonald near Choa Chu Kang MRT station. I asked him to wait for me there. We also asked him what was the colour of his shirt. He told us he wore a green wind breaker.
When I arrived at the McDonald, I saw him waiting eagerly, outside McDonald, for me to come. The moment I asked if he is the one who lost a handphone, he answered me "Yes, I am the person we spoke a while ago." I asked him what is the brand and colour of his phone, he quickly answered me " It is a black Nokia phone." I handed over the handphone back to him. I can felt he was very happy to get back his lost phone. He also asked if I would like to eat something at the McDonald. I replied him "No, thank you" and left for home.
I often heard about people losing their handphone but not able to recover it. Well, if I can help someone and make that someone happy, even I do not get anything back in return, why not ? Some may ask : Why do you want to do that ? My answer is very simple : Do good, avoid evil and purified the mind.
When I do good, I feel good.
When I do bad, I feel bad.
That's my religion.
- Abraham Lincoln
Friday, August 10, 2007
Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.
There's work to do, deadlines to meet; you've got no time to spare, But as you hurry and scurry- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
In the midst of family chaos, "Quality time" is rare. Do your best; let God do the rest- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
It may seem like your worries are more than you can bear. Slow down and take a breather- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
God knows how stressful life is; he wants to ease our cares, And He'll respond to all your needs A.S.A.P. - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
Please pass this to four people you want to be blessed. Courage is fear that has said its Prayers.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
3 Most Important Questions
A king wished to know the answers to three questions:
Who is the most important person?
What is the most important thing?
When is the most important time?
He felt that if he knew the answers, he would have the key to a more effective and successful life as a king. But no one could ever answer the questions to the king’s satisfaction. Eventually, acting upon his Prime Minister’s advice, the king dressed himself in plain clothes and went to visit a hermit who was known for his wisdom. But the hermit did not answer the king’s questions. Seeing the frailty of the hermit, the king began to help him with his activities, and so they worked in silence.
It happened that nearby, someone suffered an accident. At once the king and the hermit began to work together to help the injured man. When the man was strong enough, he begged the king’s forgiveness, for he had come intending to kill the king, who had wronged one of his family members in the past. They forgave each other and became friends.
When the king was about to leave, he asked the hermit once more to answer his questions. The hermit then explained to the king:
1. Yesterday, when you saw me, then the most important person was obviously me as you had taken the trouble to disguise yourself and come all this way to find me.
2. Your purpose was to come here to get the answers to your questions, so the most important thing was to be with me and to help me with my work.
3. The most important time was the time you were with me.
Don’t forget that due to your remaining here, you escaped being killed by your enemy.
1. Then, when the man was injured, he became the most important person because both of us dropped what we were doing to help him.
2. The most important thing then was to attend to his injury.
3. The most important time was the time we helped him.
1. Now the most important person must be you because all your people and family members are waiting for you to come back to the palace.
2. The most important thing is to go home.
3. The most important time is now.
In conclusion, there is no absolute importance relating to who, what and when. Relatively speaking,
1. The most important person is the one next to you.
2. The most important thing to do is to meet that person’s needs.
3. The most important time is now.
So don’t waste your effort needlessly. Treasure the here and now.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Golden Rule is the most fundamental common ethical denominator of all religious and non-religious belief systems on Earth. Although profound in meaning, it can be easily understood because its message is simple:
“Treat others as you would like to be treated” or “Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated”.
This is the basic law of peaceful human co-existence and can, therefore, be characterized as the mother of ethics of humankind.
As a matter of fact, the Golden Rule is found in the holy scriptures of all major religions and faiths – in different words but with the same divine meaning.
The Golden Rule is not only laid down in the basic texts of all world religions but also in the main non-religious philosophical theories where it is often referred to as the principle of reciprocity. The famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant once called the Golden Rule “the categorical imperative” of humane co-existence on Earth.
As the Golden Rule is found in virtually every important religious and non-religious belief system throughout human history all over the Earth, it seems to be the basic law or constitution for humankind.
Without any doubt, the Golden Rule is the fundamental ethical standard on Earth. All other precepts derive from it, for example:
Have respect for all life, or “You shall not kill”.
As you do not want others to kill you, therefore you should not kill others.
Deal honestly and fairly, or “You shall not steal”.
As you do not want others to steal your belongings, therefore you should not steal their belongings.
Speak and act truthfully, or “You shall not lie”.
As you do not want others to lie to you, therefore you should not lie to others.
Respect and love one another, or “You shall not commit sexual immorality”.
As you do not want others to take your wife/husband, therefore you should not take the wife/ husband of another.
There are many other moral values and ethical standards which are shared by all faiths and belief systems, like the respect for human rights (i.e. every human being must be treated humanely), love and compassion, justice, caring and sharing, environment (nature) protection, honesty, integrity, accountability, etc.
Let us try to make the Golden Rule and the many other common ethical standards and shared moral values to be accepted as the global ethic of humankind by as many people as possible!
Obviously, if the great majority of people practise the Golden Rule, we would definitely live in a better and much more peaceful and just world. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we start to educate our children about the Golden Rule and other common ethical standards.
We should do this not only in our families but also in the public school system. This means that education about the Golden Rule, shared moral values and common ethical standards should become an integral part of the curricula of kindergartens and primary and secondary schools all over the world.
In fact, such an education would be an education for peace – peace in the family, peace in the community, peace in the country and peace among nations. Such an education would be a peaceful but forceful weapon against the spread of extremism on all sides.
Friday, July 6, 2007
1. Tranquillity Meditation (SAMMATA)
2. Insight Meditation (VIPASSANA)
Meditation can give us calmness of mind. It is also said that people meditate to cultivate the mind. There are mainly 2 benefits for meditation:
1. To gain peacefulness and better mind and health.
2. To develop supernatural power.
Right posture during meditation:
Leg - Easy type (both legs just rest on the floor), full lotus and half lotus.
Hand - Hold together resting on the leg but thumb not touching or spread out and rest at knee.
Back - Should be straight
Shoulder - Just relax.
How to start :
1. Concentrate on your breath when breathing in and out at the nose. If cannot concentrate, can try to count the breath. Each time when breath out, count one and so on until ten. Then start from one again.
2. Concentrate on abdomen raising and falling.
If one feels drowsiness, ie mind feel dull, how to overcome?
1. Change altitude by telling yourself I have to fight with it. Shift focusing and try to forget it.
2. Reflect, search.
3. Read out sultra to keep the mind busy.
4. Pull your ear.
5. Wash your face with cold water or use eye drop.
6. Look at bright object to remove darkness.
7. Do walking meditation.
8. Surrender by taking a nap. Set alarm clock to ring in 30 minutes time. When alarm clock ring, must get up.
Loving Kindness Meditation
This is to start with ourself and develop the joy. Recite in your mind : May I be well, happy and peaceful.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Importance of Good Worklife Balance
["Going home – just to sleep" Letter from Gilbert Goh Keow Wah]
After reading through, I find that it is more than just going home to sleep but also about the importance of Good Worklife Balance. It is also the fact of todays life. Below are the full texts :
DURING a recent outing with some friends, a common topic we discussed was job stress and how to de-stress effectively. Some said that perhaps due to a booming economy, we have become victims of our own success.
Much more is now demanded of us in terms of workload and efficiency. Our meritocratic society is a merciless one and those who do not make the cut will have to pay the price.
One friend mentioned that she doubles up as personal assistant to her manager, in addition to her main job as a receptionist. The office assigned her dual duties following the resignation of the personal assistant.
All this was done in the name of multi-tasking, but without any increase in salary. She is now on the lookout for another job.
Another friend mentioned that he has to de-stress every day after he gets home from work. Officially he is supposed to leave at 6pm, but he usually cannot do so until 8pm and reaches home an hour later.
He learns meditation and uses it nightly at home to relieve work stress. After that, he is left with only about an hour to spend with his family. Facing a burnout from work, he is reconsidering his career options at the company he has worked in for the past five years.
As our economy steams ahead, with Singapore having the lowest unemployment levels in years, let us spare a thought for those who toil to complete their tasks, often spending 10 hours or more at the office.
Many professionals I know spend their days labouring over their work and only go home to sleep. They hardly have time left to pursue other things in life.
The point I want to make is that corporations who implement a balanced work environment tend to have a smaller turnover, saving huge chunks for recruitment and training of new staff.
With a good work-life balance, there will also be fewer cases of sick leave. Unless we continue to actively promote this balance, we are likely to have a grumpy workforce and this could affect our productivity in the long run.
Monday, June 18, 2007
I was in India in February 2007. In the hotel I stayed, there are 2 books in every rooms. One is the Teaching of Budhha and the other is "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is." The former I already have it. I bought the later from the hotel at 225 rupees.
Mahatma Gandhi once said : When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.
If you are interested to read this 920 pages book but cannot buy it, just let me know, I can lend you.
If you are reading it for the first time, you may not understand what was written. A easier way to read it is to go to the index and look for the topic you want, eg Happiness, Compassion, etc.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Life is not perfect but it is good enough.... Live it well!
Share this Chart with everyone
Protects your heart, prevents constipation, Blocks diarrhea, Improves lung capacity & Cushions joints
Combats cancer, Controls blood pressure, Saves your eyesight, Shields against Alzheimer's & Slows aging process
Aids digestion, Lowers cholesterol, Protects your heart, Stabilizes blood sugar & Guards against liver disease
Battles diabetes, Lowers cholesterol, Helps stops strokes, Controls blood pressure & Smoothes skin
Protects your heart, Quiets a cough, Strengthens bones, Controls blood pressure & Blocks diarrhea
Prevents constipation, Helps hemorrhoids, Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer & Stabilizes blood sugar
Controls blood pressure, Combats cancer, Strengthens bones, Protects your heart & Aids weight loss
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Stabilizes blood sugar, Boosts memory & Prevents constipation
Strengthens bones, Saves eyesight, Combats cancer, Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer, Prevents constipation, Promotes weight loss, Protects your heart, Helps hemorrhoids
Saves eyesight, Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Supports immune system
Saves eyesight, Protects your heart, Prevents constipation, Combats cancer, Promotes weight loss
Protects against Prostate Cancer, Combats Breast Cancer, Strengthens bones, Banishes bruises, Guards against heart disease
Protects your heart, Combats Cancer, Ends insomnia, Slows aging process, Shields against Alzheimer's
Promotes weight loss, Protects your heart, Lowers cholesterol
Combats Cancer, Controls blood pressure
Chili peppers
Aids digestion, Soothes sore throat, Clears sinuses, Combats Cancer, Boosts immune system
Promotes weight loss, Helps stops strokes, Lowers cholesterol, Combats Cancer, Controls blood pressure
Protects your heart, Boosts memory, Protects your heart, Combats Cancer, Supports immune system
Aids digestion, Battles diabetes, Protects your heart, Improves mental health, Boosts immune system
Lowers cholesterol, Controls blood pressure, Combats cancer, kills bacteria, Fights fungus
Protects against heart attacks, Promotes Weight loss, Helps stops strokes,
Combats Prostate Cancer, Lowers cholesterol
saves eyesight, Conquers kidney stones, Combats cancer, Enhances blood flow, Protects your heart
Green tea
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Helps stops strokes, Promotes Weight loss, Kills bacteria
Heals wounds, Aids digestion, Guards against ulcers, Increases energy, Fights allergies
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Controls blood pressure, Smoothes skin, Stops scurvy
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Controls blood pressure, Smoothes skin, Stops scurvy
Combats cancer, Boosts memory, Reg ulates thyroid, aids digestion, Shields against Alzheimer's
Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol, Kills bacteria, Combats cancer, Strengthens bones
Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Battles diabetes, prevents constipation, Smoothes skin
Olive oil
Protects your heart, Promotes Weight loss, Combats cancer, Battles diabetes, Smoothes skin
Reduce risk of heart attack, Combats cancer, Kills bacteria, Lowers cholesterol, Fights fungus
Supports immune systems, Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Straightens respiration
prevents constipation, Combats cancer, Helps stops strokes, aids digestion, Helps hemorrhoids
Protects against heart disease, Promotes Weight loss, Combats Prostate Cancer, Lowers cholesterol, Aggravates Diverticulitis
Strengthens bones, Relieves colds, Aids digestion, Dissolves warts, Blocks diarrhea
Slows aging process
prevents constipation
boosts memory
Lowers cholesterol
Protects against heart disease
Protects your heart
Battles diabetes
Conquers kidney stones
Combats cancer
Helps stops strokes
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
boosts memory
Calms stress
Sweet potatoes
Saves your eyesight
Lifts mood
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones
Protects prostate
Combats cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Protects your heart
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
boosts memory
Lifts mood
Cosmic Plurality (Bucky poem)
Reproduce by Joo Hock is this Poem by Bucky,
"Environment" to each, must be...All there is, that isn't me
"Universe" in turn must be...all that isn't me, AND ME
Since I only see INSIDE OF ME
What brains imagines Outside of ME
It seem to me, YOU MAY BE ME
If that is so, there's only WE
Me and We, two...which love makes three
Universe, Primi-embracing IT, THEMYOU, WE
Joo Hock take on this Cosmic Plurality is that there is no such "thing" as Singularity, what we deemed as singular, is actually plural. The concept of Building Blocks of Universe where it "breaks" down to a singular block, does not, and cannot exist.
Unity is plural minimum two. UNIVERSE means towards union. This is a generalized principle. The minimum of Universe is no matter how "small" is a system.
A system is never singular. A system is always plural. Bucky realizes that the minimum of Universe, is the Tetrahedron. Perceive from the Inside of the Tetrahedron, it is concave. Perceive from the outside, it is convex. Concave and convex always and only co-exist. Unity is PLURAL, at minimum TWO
As Bucky shared: "Life begins with awareness, awareness of your other-ness" Plurality.
Our dictionary is full of examples. A sound, a word, have no meaning to it until another word comes along to explain it , and give it meaning. Plurality.
check out
also check out the Forum
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Bucky Group sharing on 10 Jun 07
Our teacher Joo Hock was so kind to conduct a simple exercise on the 6 "I" Secret of Bucky.
Do you know what are the 6 "I" ?
Here are the answers :
Committing ego-suicide by dropping his "I" and gaining Intuition. Bucky practiced Inclusion. By taking individual Initiative he used his Imagination to reform the environment instead of trying to reform man, through the strategy of artifect Invention. He became "Integrity" personified.
There was a discussion on Precession.
Monica also played a simple game with cryon drawing on white paper. It is on Mandala. Go to the web page to find out more. It is at and
She also shared with us this saying :Life is like topestry and we the weavers can add and remove the thread according to our courage and capacity - Michael Roads
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Save our Earth
What are they ?
1. Switch off electrical appliances when you intend to be away for more than 30 minutes, eg go for lunch, meeting, etc.
2. Refrain from shopping impulsively so you do not buy redundant items.
3. When eating out, only order what you can finish to prevent wasting food.
4. When going out, bring your own water bottle.
5. Cut down on meat consumption.
6. Tune air-conditioning to 25 deg C and maintain it regularly; utilize natural ventilation more.
7. Use the stairs instead of the lift.
8. Switch off engine if car is idling; take public transport instead of driving.
9. Use energy-saving bulbs.
10. Use eco-friendly personal and household products.
11. Bring your own bag and refrain from using plastic bags.
12. Categorise household waste for recycling purposes.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
About Stress
For example, you are sitting on your chair and your body sends you a message that it is uncomfortable. So what do you do? You change your position in the chair. You don’t turn to the chair and start saying, "You rotten, nasty chair, it’s you that is making me uncomfortable". (although amazingly some do!). If you put your hand in the fire what do you feel? Pain, obviously. What do you learn? Never to put your hand in the fire again. And you never do. A lesson is quickly learned and behaviour is quickly changed.
You are sitting in your car on the way to an important meeting and the person in front is driving very slowly on a winding, single lane road. There is no way you can pass. You begin to feel irritated, then frustrated, then downright angry. You are in pleasure or pain? Pain, obviously. Who creates your pain? You do! What do you learn? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because you are carrying and holding on to three learned beliefs that block your learning. Belief one is that it’s OK to feel angry, its natural, it’s a normal response in such situations. Besides, mum and dad used to get upset too! Belief number two, it’s not you that’s making you angry, it’s the person in the car in front, it’s ‘them’!. Which of course is a lie. Your anger is entirely created by you. Belief three, is more like an addiction. You are addicted to the suffering of anger because it gives you a quick hit of adrenaline which makes you feel more alive for a short while. The car in front of you is a great excuse to generate some adrenaline.
So despite the messenger of your emotional suffering coming to tell you there is something you need to change, nothing changes! You ignore the messenger and the stress that you create continues. Every time you do this you become better at being stressed, it becomes just a little bit harder to de-stress and the habit of creating stress becomes deeper. Eventually you may even identify with your suffering and feel uncomfortable if you are too relaxed and not stressed! That’s when you start thinking you are happy when in fact, you are unhappy. It’s a truly a crazy life when it gets to that stage. And for many, some say most, it does become like that.
If you can be aware after the experience of any anger (irritation/frustration) has passed you may notice the emotion that always precedes anger. It may last only a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, but it’s always there. It’s called sadness. Sadness always precedes anger. Sadness always follows from a sense of loss. When you desire something you already have the object of your desire in your mind, and when it doesn’t show up in reality exactly when you expect it, it is as if we have lost it. But the sadness, like all emotion, does not last as it turns, turns, turns into anger as you look for someone or something to blame for your loss. Even the anger does not last as it will eventually turn, turn, turn into fear – the fear that such an event might happen again. Hence our most frequent habit of worry. Worry is simply fear of loss projected into the future. And if you fear something enough it will happen and you are back in sadness.
And so we create and live in a cycle of stressful emotions, an emotional rollercoaster that goes up and down and round and round. There is a way to free ourselves from each emotion but it requires certain ‘moments of realisation’. While these solutions can be articulated here in words, they won’t give you the power to change your habit of creating sadness, anger and fear until you realise the truth for yourself. The three key truths (in the form of words) are as follows.1 Sadness. You have nothing to lose because you don’t actually own or possess anything. Nothing is ‘mine’! Easy theory, but it is challenging to practice as you have been deeply conditioned to believe that you do own and possess things. And yet if you look at the evidence of your entire life so far, everything and everybody that comes, eventually goes. It has to because that’s the way life flows. Nothing stays. When you truly realise you have nothing to lose, and that nothing and no one is mine, you will never experience sadness again. 2 Anger. You cannot control or change the past or other people. Anger is always the result of trying to change the past and other people, which is to try to do the impossible. This is why whenever you get angry it means you are clinically insane. Apart from the fact that you are out of control (the emotion is controlling you) and that you are irrational, the real reason for your temporary insanity is you are attempting to do the impossible. Once you see this and stop resisting a) what has already happened and b) other people, you will never get angry again.3 Fear is created the moment you imagine future loss. It may be loss of an object, loss of health, loss of a comfort zone, loss of anything. It’s simply worry. So instead of creating images of the worst possible outcome turn your thinking, your ‘imaging’ around, and visualise the best, the positive, the anastrophe, not a catastrophe. But don’t make it a desire, don’t get attached to your positive vision. Just create it, let it go, and return to live in the present moment.
Some people say its human nature to experience sadness, anger and fear. They say it is natural. If you can take some ‘introspective time’ and watch inwardly you will see these emotions are not just personal experiences they are personal creations. When you see that take a moment to ask your self would I choose to create suffering for myself within myself? You may realise then that they are not natural but unnatural. That just may be the beginning of the re-empowerment of your self and the first step towards healing the stress making habit.
Question: Which of the three emotions do you seem to create most? Why do you think that is?
Reflection: Emotion is the price you pay today for your attachments yesterday.
Action: During the coming week take a moment at the end of each day and note down particular moments that you created each of the above emotions.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Health - drink warm water instead
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after Your meal, but about heart attacks. This makes sense.. the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals...not cold water...maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not Every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be 0aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this...It could save your life!!
**Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends You care about**
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Bucky Group went to Bandar Hutan (Part 2)
'Hutan Bandar" - 'jungle in city! We had a morning round the park. The distance is about 2 km. There is also a stretch of reflexology on a slope. Walking pass this path without shoes is not easy but it is a good experience. You can tell by the expression shown on the face whether it is easy or not. After the walk, we sat down for workshop by JH. Before that, there were a few announcements made.
1. Health Retreat at Kuantan. The place was discovered by a Taiwanese. It has the most energy or magnetic field and also called Happy Valley. If one meditate there is very powerful due to the energy there. There is also a 7 km tracking there. The one in May and Jun this are fully booked. Next one is in Jul, 20-22 or 27-29.
2. Another Bucky Workshop in Penang. This is to commemorate Bucky birthday which falls on 12 Jul. It will be held at Belleuvue Hotel. There are 3 "B"s according to Din. There other 2 "B" are Bali and Bucky of course.
3. Visit to Boon Siong's Bird Nest Farm. Boon Siong has 7 bird nest's farm in Malaysia. The best one is in Batu Pahat. Will arrange a visit to his farm to learn more about bird nest.
4. Camp in Lomode. This 7-day camping is like out Outward Bound School for 21 to 35 years old people to participate.
5. THORA. The next THORA will be held in Sep at Flamingo Hotel. JH attended the THORA in 2006.
After the annoucement, we were given 17 slips of papers. Each slip has a sentence on it. We are to arrange them in the right other and uncover the hidden message. Below is the answer :
Also see the photos of the 4 ladies after having the early lunch, are they satisfied with the food ?
Bucky Group went to Bandar Hutan (part 1)
Well, how big is the group and who are they ?
There are 21 of ours altogether, namely Richard Tee, Ay Choo, Sim Ah Moi (SAM), Joanna Tee, Magdalene Liang, Dr Tan Boon Siong, Din, Doreen Tey, Carol Lim, Lin Mei Khuan, Peggy Siao, Jessie Tay, Jessie Koh, Annabella, Monica, Su (Siew Kiang), Hin Lan, Elaine Tan, Vasu, our teacher JH and me.
to know more about the Bucky Group, visit:
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Happiness is a state of mind, conditioned but not determined by the material, but we trick ourselves into thinking otherwise.
In fact there are 2 types of happiness. Namely true happiness and worldly happiness.
True Happiness
True happiness is truely lasting. Mountains of wealth cannot buy True Happiness. Fantastic sex is just a brief high. Fame is always at the mercy of blame. Sumptous meals can only be taken so much. True Happiness is unconditioned, it requires nothing in particular to sustain it - though we need to cultivate our spirituality by perfecting our compassion and wisdom to attain it once and for all.
Worldly Happiness
Worldly happiness is fleeting. When we pursue worldly happiness, they will at best come ... only to pass in due time. Worldly happiness is conditioned, it fades away when its conditions fall away.
I read a book by Dr Thynn Thynn called Living Meditation, Living Insight. There is something I find interesting that I like to share. In a chapter called Happiness, the author wrote :
One day a friend found me reading Buddhism and asked, "Are you trying to find happiness?"
TT: Yes.
R: Have you found it ?
TT: Yes, I have.
R: How ?
TT: By realizing that I cannot find it.
R: But how can that be ?
TT: ......
You have to read it then you will understand.
All the suffering in the world arises out of wanting happiness for self.
All happiness in the world arises out of wanting happiness for others.
Happiness is not just a goal; it should be part of the process too.
Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances - J. Donald Wlters
My friend Chin Sin sent me this :
Realisation: A Reason Why We Are Unhappy
All the suffering in the world arises out of wanting happiness for self.
All happiness in the world arises out of wanting happiness for others.
- Shantideva
A reason why we are unhappy is that we are not true to ourselves. Paradoxically, we are also untrue to ourselves when we are untrue to others, as true sincerity to yourself naturally overflows to those around you. How (un)happily we relate to others is related to our happiness, since much of our lives involves relating to others. When we speak of being true to ourselves, it is usually mistaken that we should simply do whatever we fancy for ourselves. Obviously, this doesn't really bring happiness. If it does, we would be perfectly happy already. This means we are doing the wrong things to be happy. Being true means being aligned with the truth, qualities of which include the realisation of generosity, loving-kindness and wisdom. Often, happiness is seeked through their opposites - attachment (to personal happiness), aversion (to those who "threaten" our happiness) and delusion (about what is happiness). Attachment and aversion arise from this delusion, which keeps True Happiness out of reach.
A common symptom of unhappiness is the complaint that we want happiness, but others make us unhappy. The truth is, no one other than ourselves can make us unhappy. We are unhappy about others only when we choose to relate to them in an unhappy manner. Flip this around and it is equally true - those who "make" you unhappy should realise that the cause of unhappiness is not you, but in how they choose to relate to you. If our happiness is always determined by how others treat us, how can we be truly happy? What if someone deluded thinks that making you unhappy brings happiness for oneself? Be generous, loving and wise to that person. Respond with sincerity. Seek to understand and bring happiness to that person. Focus on dissolving the person's unhappiness instead of being unhappy with how that person is affecting you. This also dissolves your unhappiness about that person. It's a win-win situation. Retaliating with aversion would only perpetuate unhappiness on both sides.
What if those unhappy with us do not appreciate our sincerity? This is still no cause for you to be unhappy. True sincerity expects no reciprocation. It simply does what is right - that aligned to happiness. There is happiness in knowing we are blameless, when we do our best to bring others happiness. The only ones who hold our happiness ransom is us. For instance, if someone is unhappy with me for saying the Earth is round, why should I be unhappy about that? The truth is that the Earth is not flat. Others' unhappiness with the truth has no power to make us unhappy if we are at peace with the truth. Likewise, others' unhappiness with the trueness of our sincerity has no power to make us unhappy. The options are obvious - If we do not choose to relate to those unhappy with us happily, we choose choose to relate to them unhappily. Our happiness first comes from how kindly and wisely we relate to the universe; not how it treats us. Yet the kinder and wiser we are, the kinder and wiser the universe is to us - for we are our most immediate "parts" of the universe!
- Shen Shi'an
To be unhappy, have expectations that others make you happy.
To be happy, make others happy without expectations.
- Stonepeace
During my first trip to India in Feb 07, we stayed at Rain Tree Hotel. Every room in this hotel has 2 books; one is the Teaching of Buddha and the other is Bhagavad-Gita As It Is.
I already have the first book and bought the second book from the hotel at 225 rupees. This book also got talks about happiness. I find this paragraph interesting and worth to share :
"It is not possible to be happy independently, just as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach."
In my own words, what I gather is that for a person to be happy, every parts of his body has to be happy. For example, if he is hungry, can he be happy ? Or he has a headache, can he be happy ? It is quite difficult. Not just every parts of his body must be happy, the people he lives with also must be happy. If one of the family member is not happy, can he be happy ? Not easy. If all his family members are happy but his neighbour is not happy, can this family be happy ? It goes on and on until this earth that we are living, if one part of the earth got people who are not happy, can we all be happy. So it seems that by realizing that one cannot find happiness, then we found happiness.
Happiness does not come from having much but from being attached to little.
Monday, April 30, 2007
I practised qigong on every Wednesday evening after work. We begin at 8:15pm and end at 9:30pm. I cannot remember exactly when I started to learn qigong. But it is either in 2004 or 2005.
In Singapore we have 28 qigong stations spread over the whole island. Some practise twice a week and some daily. My qigong station is at Block 211, Bukit Batok Street 21. We practise on every Wednesday and Friday evening.
The full name of my qigong association is Neijing Yizhichan Qigong Association.
Address is 1, Jalan Bintang Tiga, Singapore 457741. ROS number is 163/96 SPO. Today in Singapore, we have about 1,000 members. The AGM is held in March every year.
Why I like to practise qigong ? Since 2006, I did not go on Medical Certificate (MC). I still have common sickness, ie sore throat, twice or trice a year but it also recover faster than before I practise qigong.
Do I have to pay in order to learn this qigong ? It is free. The association is set up not to make money but it hope everyone can benefit from it after practising.
What are the benefit after practising qigong ? It will help to build up your immune system.
Apex Club of Singapore
Volunteer to Feel Better
Do you want to feel better after doing it ? What is it ? Try volunteering. Volunteering of course aids our community, but it also opens us up to a greater appreciation of our own lives. I have been given a lot in this world and like to give a little back. It reduces stress and gives me a real boost, because when you give time to a worthy cause, you feel so good about yourself and the world. Volunteers experience rewards that cannot be attained in any other way.
Volunteers are 25% more satisfied with their jobs, have a better work ethic, and are more persistent in working toward long-term goals and rewards.
- Johson, Beebe, Mortimer and Snyder 1998
An analysis of volumes of previous research on the subject shows a strong consensus that volunteering contributes to happiness by decreasing boredom and creating an increased sense of purpose in life. Volunteers, on average, are twice as likely to feel happy with themselves as non-volunteers.
- Crist-Houran 1996
What We Do In Apex ?
We give out food to the poor on alternate Saturday afternoon at 1:30pm. They are mainly residents from Blk 105 and 106, Jalan Bukit Merah. Most of them stay in a one-room flat. At the moment, we have about 72 receipients.
We also do recycling in order to raise fund to buy food. Once every 2 months, we will go to the Opera Estate to collect old newspaper, clothing and electronics. The items we collected will be sold to the 'kalang guni' man. For each collection, we can raise about S$800.
Since 2005, we have also started doing overseas projects like home building, playground building, tear down old kitchen, etc.