Monday, June 11, 2007

Cosmic Plurality (Bucky poem)

Cosmic Plurality

Reproduce by Joo Hock is this Poem by Bucky,

"Environment" to each, must be...All there is, that isn't me
"Universe" in turn must be...all that isn't me, AND ME
Since I only see INSIDE OF ME
What brains imagines Outside of ME
It seem to me, YOU MAY BE ME
If that is so, there's only WE
Me and We, two...which love makes three
Universe, Primi-embracing IT, THEMYOU, WE

Joo Hock take on this Cosmic Plurality is that there is no such "thing" as Singularity, what we deemed as singular, is actually plural. The concept of Building Blocks of Universe where it "breaks" down to a singular block, does not, and cannot exist.
Unity is plural minimum two. UNIVERSE means towards union. This is a generalized principle. The minimum of Universe is no matter how "small" is a system.
A system is never singular. A system is always plural. Bucky realizes that the minimum of Universe, is the Tetrahedron. Perceive from the Inside of the Tetrahedron, it is concave. Perceive from the outside, it is convex. Concave and convex always and only co-exist. Unity is PLURAL, at minimum TWO
As Bucky shared: "Life begins with awareness, awareness of your other-ness" Plurality.
Our dictionary is full of examples. A sound, a word, have no meaning to it until another word comes along to explain it , and give it meaning. Plurality.

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