Sunday, September 6, 2009

Givers & Takers


Can you tell the difference between "Givers" and "Takers"? Yes, you can!

The Giver is the part of you that follows the rule: do whatever you can to make the other person happy and avoid anything that makes the other person unhappy, even if it makes you unhappy. It's the part of you that wants to make a difference in the lives of others, and it grows out of a basic instinct that we all share, a deep reservoir of love and concern for those around us.

The Taker is the part of you that follows the rule: do whatever you can to make yourself happy and avoid anything that makes yourself unhappy, even if it makes others unhappy. It's the part of you that wants the most out of life, and it grows out of your basic instinct for self-preservation.

The greater the degree to which one's final objective is to take or give, one can expect greater use of taking or giving behaviors. Taking behaviors will also be characterized by a greater use of power plays or other controlling behaviors including intimidation, interrogation, poor-me, and/or aloof-ness.

Not everyone gives or takes for the same reason. Instead, there are four basic combinations of "giver" and "taker" variables.

(1) Givers Who Give;
(2) Givers Who Take;
(3) Takers Who Give; and
(4) Takers Who Take.