Sunday, September 23, 2007

Teacher Syndrome

Teacher Syndrome

Syndrome means number of symptoms which collectively indicate an often abnormal condition of the body or mind; particular combination of a person's actions, opinions, etc that can be expected to occur together.

You have probably seen people who have Down syndrome. They have certain physical features, such as a flatter face, upward slanting eyes, and a somewhat larger tongue. They may have medical problems, too, such as heart defects. And they usually have some mental retardation, which means they may have trouble learning. But despite their challenges, kids with Down syndrome can go to regular schools, make friends, enjoy life, and get jobs when they're older.

I heard there is also Teacher syndrome. Why and how come ? Teachers who have been teaching most of their life have always been telling or teaching students to do this or do that. After one year or a few years, the same student leaves school and new students come. When they retire, a lot of these teachers can become quite lonely. Their friends may not accept them because they have this thing called Teacher syndrome. They will like to teach even their friends or family members like they teach their students.

So people who are specialise in their own area may end up having their own syndrome depending on what they are doing most of their life.

Do you have any syndrome ? Something for you to time about. Can I prevent it ?

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